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Krafty Cafe Racer

Setup Manual - PDF


  • Power on the display by holding M button for 2 sec;
  • Hold SET button for 2 sec to enter setting interface (PASSWORD: 0118)
  • Press + or - button to choose between different settings, and SET button to enter. 
  • Now choose Speed Limit and press + or - button to change it to 32 (20 mph) or 45(28 mph). Be noted you must wear helmet and older than 16 yrs old.
  • Change Wheel Size to 28 to get accurate current speed.
  • Change Unit in the same menu. You can choose Miles or Kms as you like.
  • Now choose Save & Exit
  • You are ready to enjoy the full power of the Cafe Racer

LCD Advanced Manual - C800-TFT

LCD Advanced Manual - C900E-USB


 Krafty MAx Cargo Ebike  

Eunorau FAT-HD, Max Cargo V1, City Torque, E-Trike

LCD Advanced Manual - 500C Use Code: 1919 for advanced settings

LCD Advanced Manual C3 - New Trike Use Code: 1801 for advanced settings

Eunorau FAT-MN/LS 

LCD Advanced Manual - KT-LCD5

Micargi Cyclone  

LCD Advanced Manual - 750C Code:1919 or 0000 or 1234

Krafty ET1, ET2, T1, R1000

LCD Advanced Manual - S900

Eunorau UHVO 350 

LCD Advanced Manual - FR-SD002 DISPLAY

NEW UHVO Manual - 500S LCD Manual

Please use 0579 or 1009

Krafty KRF750 

LCD Advanced Manual - C600E - DISPLAY



LCD Advanced Manual - MAX DRIVE DISPLAY Cheetah Pegasus


ECCO BIKE - CITY Ecco Bike City

LCD Advanced Manual - KD21C


Synergy Kahuna  Synergy Kahuna C500B LCD

LCD Advanced Manual - C500B

Synergy Scooter Manuals Synergy Scooter Manuals 800w 500w 350w

350W Manual500W City,  800W Single800w Dual


Eunorau HS 1000 LCD Manual and G20 Cargo, MAX Cargo 2.0, Jumbo Scooter


CDC6 LCD Display - Password 1919


KD51C-KDS - Password for Advanced 0510